Sprite icons
Petar Ivanov Karagyaurov

Petar Ivanov Karagyaurov

Graphic designer

Veuillez vous connecter pour voir cette adresse e-mail

+359 885 266 098

Langues de communication : Bulgare, Anglais

Discovering my passion for graphic design, shortly after graduating from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, I began to gain experience in graphic design studios, agencies and even TV companies.

During my 18 years as a graphic designer, I also share my other passion - painting. This artistic side has always gone hand in hand with my desire to gain new experience and knowledge in the field of my work.

After 8 years of studying and working in Sofia, I am returning permanently to my hometown of Plovdiv, where after years of working in my specialty for agencies and international companies, life provides me with a new opportunity. So in the late fall of 2023 I am joining the ranks of Sentera Controls to enrich the company's marketing department.

Données de l'entreprise

Nom sociétéSentera Thracia Ltd.
RueBash Para Str.
No de maison4
Code postal4135
Identifiant TVABG115745346
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