Sprite icons
Bozhidar Stefanov Peychev

Bozhidar Stefanov Peychev

Graphic designer

Veuillez vous connecter pour voir cette adresse e-mail

+359 32 601 844

Langues de communication : Bulgare, Anglais

I'm a graphic designer with over 20 years of experience, born and raised in the charming city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. My educational journey began at the High School of Mechanics, specializing in CNC Programming, followed by a bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Informatics and a master's degree in Software Technologies.

Since joining Sentera in July 2020, I've enjoyed contributing to the Marketing team, infusing my passion for design into projects that enhance brand identity and communication strategies. My approach to design blends technical expertise with creative intuition, merging precision and artistic expression to shape my work.

When I'm not working, I like chilling in nature, casually strolling mountain trails with my family and friends. As a keen spinning angler, I love nothing more than lazily wading into the waters of а small river early in the morning, soaking up nature's beauty, and feeling completely relaxed, far from the city noise.

Données de l'entreprise

Nom sociétéSentera Thracia Ltd.
RueBash Para Str.
No de maison4
Code postal4135
Identifiant TVABG115745346
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