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Sylwester Tyrpa

Sylwester Tyrpa

HVAC controls consultant

Будь ласка, увійдіть, щоб побачити цю адресу електронної пошти

+48 607 332 004

Мови спілкування: Польський, Російський

Hello! Until I was 21, I lived in Poland, in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship, near the city of Szczecin on the border with Germany, at which time I graduated from the Technical Secondary School of Construction, specializing in "Industrial heating, air-conditioning and ventilation systems".

My interest has always been aviation and aviation technology, so in 1994 I decided to start working in the Polish Armed Forces. After completing appropriate specialist training, I started working as an aircraft maintenance technician in the Polish Air Force, where I worked in various positions related to direct aircraft maintenance for 20 years.

After that, I moved to Lithuania and in 2014 I started working at UAB "Kalvis" as a sales representative, responsible for the sale of biomass heating devices on the Polish, Slovak, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian markets. The adventure with UAB "Kalvis" lasted 5 years.

In January 2019, I started working at UAB "Sentera Baltica" as a sales representative, responsible for the sale of Sentera products on the Polish and Eastern European markets. Thanks to Sentera, I achieved the opportunity to work in full-range marketing and communicate directly with clients and potential clients.

Whether you are a business partner, a potential client, or interested in collaborating, contact me to discuss how Sentera can meet your needs. Together we will have the opportunity to create tailored solutions that will power your HVAC business.

Дані компанії

Назва компаніїSentera Baltica Ltd
ВулицяVaidoto street
Номер будинку33
Телефон+370 41 42 19 41
Виділений електронні адреси

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