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Svetoslav Mladenov Cholakov

Svetoslav Mladenov Cholakov

Production manager

Будь ласка, увійдіть, щоб побачити цю адресу електронної пошти

+359 32 601 845

Мови спілкування: Болгарський, Англійська

During the period of my studies /2008-2014/ as a student in high school, my passion for technology began. I have had the pleasure of being involved from design to implementation and commissioning on real projects, related to building automation such as climate control and management.

In 2013 I obtained my degree Engineer Electronic in Technical University Sofia – branch Plovdiv.

In 2015, I took the position of an Engineer, electrical designer and project manager in the company AIGER Engineering Ltd, one of the high-tech and innovative companies in the mechanical engineering sector in Bulgaria, part of the Swiss holding AIGER Group AG. I was responsible for some of the projects, participating in their development.

In 2018, I continued my career development at Sentera Thracia Ltd.
I started as a production coordinator and later became a production manager. This position gives me the opportunity to implement ideas and projects to optimize the work process. This brings me real satisfaction and motivates me to keep looking for solutions and improvements in the work organization. For me it is a passion to see with my eyes how a working product is creating from raw components, as well as the opportunity to improve this process.
For me it is a challenge to find the best solution to a problem or to do the necessary to avoid one.

In Sentera Thracia Ltd, I develop my management, organizational and leadership qualities. With my career experience at Sentera Thracia Ltd, I succeed to significantly influence many points in the production process, as well as I realize that the production environment is my place.

Дані компанії

Назва компаніїSentera Thracia Ltd.
ВулицяBash Para Str.
Номер будинку4
Телефон+359 (0) 32 60 18 41
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