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Elena Argirova Pavlova

Elena Argirova Pavlova

Office manager

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+359 (0) 32 58 76 15

Języki komunikacji: Bułgarski, Język angielski

Born in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria and as a professional with a Master's degree in Psychology and a Bachelor's in English Philology I have been a part of the Sentera family since 2005. 

My experience in Sentera started in the logistics and purchasing department, where I actively contributed to the administration and organization of the production process. Over the years, my role evolved, and I transitioned to the research and development team, providing support in administrative and organizational matters. Throughout my presence in the company, I have gained extensive experience in various facets of administration, including recruitment and more.

As a wife and a mother of two grown-up daughters, my commitment extends beyond the workplace. In my free time, I like reading, spending time with the family and closest friends.

Being a part of the Sentera team is not just a profession; it is a fulfilling journey marked by collaboration, innovation, and continuous growth. I take pride in contributing to the success of Sentera and look forward to many more years of shared achievements and milestones with this remarkable team.

Dane firmy

Nazwa firmySentera Thracia Ltd.
UlicaBash Para Str.
Numer domu4
Kod pocztowy4135
Numer VATBG115745346
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