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Angel Hristov Kolev

Angel Hristov Kolev

Veuillez vous connecter pour voir cette adresse e-mail

+359 32 601 847

Langues de communication : Bulgare, Espagnol, Anglais, Russe

Proud of being born Plovdiv, one of the oldest and most multicultural cities in Europe, I have been interested in history, languages and travelling abroad since I was very young . At school, I studied Spanish, Russian and English. In 2008, I completed my master’s degree in Law at the University of Plovdiv, after that, thanks to my knowledge of Spanish, I went on to become a Doctor of Legal Sciences at the Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.

In 2010, I started working as a researcher, participating in a series of international research projects, which offered me the possibility of living in the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Portugal. In 2016, I dedicated myself to legal advice in matters of Law and International Relations.

I joined the Sentera team in 2018. I am responsible for business development in Spain and South America. My main professional objectives are to establish new business relationships and inform my customers about Sentera products and solutions, while collaborating daily with the Marketing Department and the R&D Department. For me it is a pleasure to work for a leading international company in the HVAC industry, which core values are quality, reliability and customer focus.

Données de l'entreprise

Nom sociétéSentera Europa NV
No de maison9
Code postal9140
Identifiant TVABE0462307146
Téléphone+32 (0) 3 771 36 51
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