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Sarah Poppe

Sarah Poppe

Sales and customer support

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+32 (0)3 369 49 55

Idiomas de comunicación: Holandés, Inglés, Francés, Alemán

From childhood I was the maverick of the family, I had an insatiable curiosity, constantly wanting to delve deeper into everything. I’d engage in discussions with specialists, brainstorm ideas, and evolve further.
Evolution is crucial for life’s survival on Earth!
Technological advancements continue to reshape our daily lives and business practices. Our entire thinking and lifestyle have also undergone significant evolution in recent years. Concepts like work-life balance, welfare policies, quality of life, ergonomics, and health have gained prominence. HVAC (Heating, ventilation and Air Conditioning) plays a vital role in this context. Clean air not only positive impacts on our health but also enhances our overall well-being and energy levels. As part of the Sentera Europa Group, I’m delighted to contribute to the health and happiness of many. Happy and healthy employees are more efficient, creative, enthusiastic, and motivated in contributing to the success of an organization! . As the philosopher Aristotle wisely said :”Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work”’

Datos de empresa

Nombre de compñíaSentera Europa NV
Calle número9
Código postal9140
Número de IVABE0462307146
Direcciones de correos electrónicos especalizadas

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