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Jitka Benešová

Jitka Benešová

HVAC controls consultant

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+32 (0)3 710 57 21

Idiomas de comunicación: Checo, Inglés

Born and raised in Prague, I completed my bachelor's degree in business and law with a specialization in international relations at the University of Economics in 2019, followed by the successful attainment of a master's degree in business-legal relations in 2021. My international exposure began during high school in 2013, as I spent a year in the USA as an exchange student for language studies, solidifying my commitment to maintaining a global perspective.

Parallel to my academic pursuits, I engaged in part-time jobs, primarily centered on customer communication, including interactions with foreign clientele. Additionally, I have gained practical experience working as the product catalog administrator for an internet search engine. Thriving in this environment, I was selected to contribute to a team of product specialists.

After my studies I transitioned into the role of Marketing Director for an accounting company. Here, I refined my skills in communicating with companies of varying sizes and across diverse sectors. In 2023, fueled by my international interests, I joined the Sentera team. Despite my non-technical background, I embraced the challenge of deepening my knowledge in the HVAC industry, merging marketing expertise with a customer support.

Beyond the professional life, I find fulfillment in sports, animals, and nature, adding a harmonious balance to my personal and professional pursuits.

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Datos de empresa

Nombre de compñíaSentera Europa NV
Calle número9
Código postal9140
Número de IVABE0462307146
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