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Yuliia Pronchuk

Yuliia Pronchuk

Sales and customer support

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+32 (0)3 771 46 07

Linguaggi di comunicazione: Ucraino, Russo, Inglese

Originally from Ukraine, where I graduated with a master's degree in the field of Translation/Interpreting (English) in 2022. In 2011, I also obtained my bachelor's degree in the field of Finance and in 2005 – my bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry.

I started my career in the aviation industry where I worked for about 15 years, most of that time working in fare and passenger load control. In 2022 I moved to Belgium and started working as a translator.

In 2023, I joined the Sentera team as a sales and customer support employee and discovered a new dynamic developing industry of HVAC technology that became interesting to me. 

Dati aziendali

Ragione socialeSentera Europa NV
Numero civico9
Codice avviamento postale9140
Partita IVABE0462307146
Indirizzi email dedicati

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