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Tanya Hristova Hristova

Tanya Hristova Hristova

Content & Stories

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+359 32 601 844

Linguaggi di comunicazione: Bulgaro, Inglese

I was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria where I graduated from the National High School of Commerce in 2018. During my high school years, I took part in the Erasmus+ program which enabled me to spend a month working at an Italian company in Bologna. Additionally, I continued my studies at the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” where I obtained my Bachelor’s in English Philology in 2022.

Shortly after that, I started working as an English teacher. As a result, I had the chance to teach students of all ages, which helped me to further develop my communication skills and my understanding of effectiveness in the process of teaching and learning. Recently I have decided to pursue my goal of becoming a Content Writer. Writing has always been an activity that I cherish. Therefore, I am forever grateful to Sentera Thracia for giving me the opportunity to fulfil my dream.

When it comes to leisure time, I am an outgoing person who loves spending time with her loved ones. My hobbies involve playing the guitar and reading books. There is nothing better than some music accompanied by a good book.

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Ragione socialeSentera Thracia Ltd.
ViaBash Para Str.
Numero civico4
Codice avviamento postale4135
Partita IVABG115745346
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