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Variable fan speed controller 2,5 A | From Low to High

Article code MTY-0-25-AT
GTIN 0.540.100.300.904.8
Intrastat number
Category Low to high fan speed controllers
Current stock 39 U.
Factory lead time 5 Day(s)

Product description

Powering a single-phase motor, our variable speed controller adjusts fan speed from low to high. Designed for 2,5 A max current, it allows minimum speed customization via an internal trimmer.
Utilizing Triac technology for phase angle control, it modulates motor voltage and speed. All models offer an extra unregulated 230 VAC output.

The controller is suitable for operating diverse fan types, such as ceiling fans, bathroom exhaust fans, and extraction fans. The versatile enclosure supports IP44 inset or IP54 surface mounting.

Additional specifications and description

Why control fan speed
Fan speed control has a range of advantages: regulation of the noise levels emitted by the fan, running the fan more slowly reduces energy costs, it also increases the life of the fan. In residential environments a simple control solution that is also cost effective is the preferable choice. That’s where Sentera’s MTY series may come in handy. Controlling the fan speed is as easy as turning on and off the lamps in your home. Via its rotary knob the fan speed can be set from minimum to maximum by simply turning it clockwise. 

OFF position
In spite of being a simplified fan speed control solution, the MTY features an OFF position - turning the knob anticlockwise stops the motor. If necessary, the OFF position can be deactivated. In this case, the motor can run when the power supply is available, i.e. when the device is connected to the mains. As standard, the supply voltage to the MTY is connected via terminals ↑ and N. To disable the OFF position, you need to connect the supply voltage via the terminals intended for the unregulated output, namely ↓ and N.
Extra output
The MTY features an unregulated output which is active when the motor is enabled. It is called so since it is either ON (230 Volt) or OFF (0 Volt). If the supply voltage is connected to ↑ and N, the unregulated output is active while the motor is in operation. The unregulated output is used to control external devices such as dampers, relays, run indicators, etc. that can work without the need to regulate the incoming voltage. In other words the MTY regulates the fan through the so called “regulated output” via controlling the voltage with the option to regulate one more device, but this time the voltage is “unregulated”, i.e. either 0 V or 230 V. 
If you connect the supply voltage to the MTY as standard and as advised by the documentation, the unregulated output of your controller will be active when the motor is enabled. This means that when the fan stops, the connected external device will be disabled – the damper will be closed or the run indicator will switch off. While the fan is working, the damper will remain open and the indication light will be switched on. The maximum current is 2 A. 

Internal minimum speed trimmer
The MTY features an internal trimmer for adjusting the minimum fan speed. This controller uses TRIAC technology (phase angle control) to adjust the motor voltage and to control the fan speed. TRIAC cuts parts of the incoming voltage to reduce the overall motor voltage. Thanks to this technology, the fan speed controller operates the motor without excessive humming and buzzing, which is crucial in residential environments. 
However, given the motor type, the motor might produce a little more noise at lower speeds (due to the imperfect sinusoidal shape of the motor voltage). The minimum motor voltage can be adjusted in order to avoid motor stalling at low speed and optimize fan speed for your ventilation system. That is why this controller features the internal minimum speed trimmer. It can be set within the range 20% - 70% of the supply voltage.
Reduced fan speed uses significantly less power than maximum operation and can often be employed, typically during unoccupied or low occupancy. 

The series is intended for AC fans and control is realised via reducing the motor voltage. AC fans run on an alternating current and convert alternating current into mechanical power. This means that the series is suitable only for voltage controllable motors. You can connect several motors to the controller as long as the current limit is not exceeded. If you are not sure about your motor type, we strongly advise you to read carefully its accompanying documentation or contact the motor manufacturer.

Flush mounted fan speed controller with potentiometer
Flush or surface mounting
The enclosure of the MTY is made of high-quality ASA plastic in a nice cream colour (RAL9010). The material is UV resistant and provides protection against dust, water and impacts. Basically, you can install the MTY in any kind of wall. If you choose the flush mounting option, it fits perfectly the standard European box. The protection class is IP44 for flush and IP54 for surface mounting. Furthermore, it looks really nice and simple and fits any interior. Cleaning it is very easy using only a damp cloth. 


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Bardzo dobry regulator elektroniczny so sterowania domowymi wentylatorami małej mocy, łatwy montaż , stabilna praca, solidna obudowa
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