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Potentiometer 10K | OFF position | US design

Article code USP-X10K-NA
GTIN 0.540.100.301.724.1
Intrastat number
Category Unpowered potentiometers
Current stock 6 U.
Factory lead time 4 Week(s)

Product description

With this 10 KOhm potentiometer you can directly control EC fans. If you want to control the speed of an AC motor, connect this potentiometer to an Electronic Fan Speed Controller (EVS, MVS) or frequency converter (FI-E). This potentiometer has an adjustable resistance of 0-10 kΩ. In off-position, the output is 0 VDC.

The device does not require a specific power supply, but the input signal must be between 0 and 12 VDC. Most EC fans, electronic speed controllers or frequency converters have an output with the required voltage. Depending on the position of the dial, the feedback voltage varies, regulating the Fan Speed. The dry contact output can be used to remotely give a start-stop command to the fan or other equipment.

The splash-proof housing allows surface mounting.

Additional specifications and description

How does it work?
This potentiometer has a rotary knob that is used to vary the resistance within the range 0 - 10 kΩ by simply rotating it. This is how a signal of  0 - 10 volts is generated for direct control fan speed controllers or damper positions with EC motors. It can also remotely control AC fan speed controllers (EVS or MVS series) or frequency inverters (FI-E series). For instance, the potentiometer can be installed in the office room while the fan speed controller is located in a technical room nearby.
Typically, this potentiometer is connected to an external device that has a supply voltage of 10 VDC (e.g. EC fan, AC fan speed controller, frequency inverter, etc.). By rotating the potentiometer knob (= varying the resistance value of the potentiometer), the output control signal is generated. In minimum position (resistance value 0 Ω),  the applied voltage is minimum. In maximum position (resistance value 10 kΩ), the potentiometer output will be 10 V. 
Potentiometer 0 - 10 Kohm

Input voltage
This potentiometer has a resistance value of 10 kΩ. It requires an input voltage in the range between 0 and 12 VDC. 
Dry contact output
Dry contacts refer to electrical contacts that are not connected to a voltage source. Dry contacts are commonly used for control and signalling purposes. These contacts do not supply power but are employed to transmit a signal or initiate a specific action when closed or opened. For instance, dry contacts might close the circuit when a certain temperature is reached, signalling the HVAC system to turn on or off.  The term "dry" signifies the absence of voltage at the contact points. Instead, the contacts rely on an external power source for the electrical signal. This configuration is commonly employed for safety and compatibility reasons, allowing different devices to communicate and interact without the need for a shared power source.
The dry contact output of the USP-X10K-NA can be used to control an external device such as a damper or to enable or disable a motor. When the potentiometer knob is turned fully counterclockwise, the dry contact is open. When turning the potentiometer knob clockwise, the contact closes.
OFF position
The rotary knob has an OFF position: when the rotary knob is turned fully counterclockwise, it clicks in OFF position. In OFF position, the dry contact output is open and the output value is 0 KΩ.

Wired device
To further simplify the wiring process, the USP-X10K-NA incorporates cables in distinct colours for connecting with the controlled device. This design eliminates the necessity to insert wires or manually engage with terminal blocks, contributing to a more streamlined and user-friendly installation procedure.

connect a potentiometer

The potentiometer features an enclosure made of ABS plastic - a thermoplastic polymer widely used in the housing of electronic and electrical components because of its durability, impact and heat resistance. It is known for maintaining its structural integrity under varying temperatures, making it suitable for applications in different environmental conditions.
The housing incorporates knockouts to facilitate the installation, allowing installers to easily create openings for routing wires, cables or conduits without the need for extensive modifications. 

Remarks, reviews & ratings

Kaip gaminys darbą atlieka, gamybinėse patalpose tinkamas
Jei reikia potenciometro pramoniniu korpusu, patogia rankenėlė kurią net ištepalavus lengvai pasuksite, tai šis sprendimas jums.
Un artículo muy práctico. Me gusta mucho la funcionalidad del contacto seco, pues puedo conectar dispositivos externos.
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