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Bluetooth commissioning tool for frequency inverters

Article code FI-OPTISTICK
GTIN 0.540.100.300.677.1
Intrastat number
Category Accessories for frequency inverters
Current stock 0 U.
Factory lead time 2 Week(s)
Next arrival 18/03/2025 - 1 U.

Product description

Commissioning tool to simplify the setup of your frequency inverter. The Optistick allows copying, backup and restore of parameters of your frequency inverter. It also provides a wireless Bluetooth interface to a smartphone with IOS or Android OS. Manufacturers code: OPT-3-STICK-IN

Additional specifications and description

Backup or copy parameters between multiple drives
Optistick allows you to copy the parameter settings of a frequency drive. The settings are stored on the stick and can be used as a backup. It is also possible to use the Optistick to copy the parameter settings from one frequency drive to another without using a computer.
Configure your frequency inverter
Optistick also provides a Bluetooth wireless interface. The OptiTools mobile App allows you to configure the frequency inverter via a mobile phone with IOS or Android OS. We advise to check the Invertek website for compatibility.

Remarks, reviews & ratings

Me resulta muy útil, pues no convertidor de frecuencia se encuentra en un cuadro eléctrico y no hace falta abrirlo cuando tengo que modificar los ajustes del variador.
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