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AC fan speed controller 400 V | analogue input | 4 A

Article code STVS4-40L40
GTIN 0.540.100.301.635.0
Intrastat number
Category AC fan speed control - analogue input
Current stock 6 U.
Factory lead time 4 Week(s)

Product description

This transformer controller has a 0-10V analog input. It controls a three-phase 400 volt motor. The (ombined) maximum motor current is 4 A.

The speed is regulated in 5 steps by reducing the motor voltage via autotransformer technology. One of these 5 levels 1 is selected by means of an analog control signal (0-10 volts) or an external potentiometer. The full sine output voltage guarantees the quiet operation of the motor.

The TK monitoring function deactivates the motor in case of overheating.

The IP54 metal casing can be surface mounted.

The supply voltage is 400 VAC.

Additional specifications and description

What is a transformer fan speed controller?
A transformer fan speed controller is a device designed to modulate the speed of an AC fan in incremental steps by diminishing the motor voltage. This process is accomplished through the utilization of autotransformers. Renowned for its reliability and robustness, this technology produces a motor voltage characterized by an perfect sinusoidal waveform. Such precision ensures a noiseless motor operation and an elongated operational lifespan. Furthermore, a special impregnation coating is applied to mitigate the electrical noise associated with the autotransformers.
0-10 V control signal
One of the available fan speed levels can be selected via the 0-10 V input signal. If there is no 0-10 V signal available, an external potentiometer can be connected to the STVS4 controller. The MTP-X10K-NA potentiometer can be connected to the 12 VDC supply of the STVS4 controller. For example, an input signal of 2 V activates speed level 1 (130 VAC to the motor), an input signal of 4 V activates speed level 2 (180 VAC to the motor), etc. In this case, the control manual. 

connect controller to external potentiometer

Connect to a Sentera sensor for automated control
The STVS4 can be connected to a Sentera sensor and then the speed of the connected fan can be controlled on-demand using the signal from the sensor output. Depending on the sensor type, control can be based on temperature, relative humidity, CO2, TVOC, etc. 

connect fan controller to a sensor

Thermal motor protection
This fan speed controller can monitor thermal motor protection (TK or thermal contacts measure temperature in the motor windings). In case of motor overheating, the TK monitoring function will disable the motor to prevent damage to the motor. If the motor is not equipped with TK contacts, the TK terminals of the controller must be bridged to simulate normal motor temperature.
Auto reset after power failure
In case of a power failure, this controller will automatically reset itself. When the power is restored, the motor will restart automatically.
Unregulated output
The extra, unregulated output (230 VAC) is active when the motor is enabled. It can be used to control an external run indicator, a damper, etc. When the fan is deactivated, the dampers is closed. When the fan is active, the damper is open.

Extra digital output
The STVS4 fan speed controller is equipped with an additional digital output that uses 12 VDC for operation. This output signals the operation of thermal contacts that protect the motor from overheating. It can be used to connect a lamp, which, depending on the connected terminals, will light up or go out. A more advanced solution would be to connect to the digital output of an automated building management system (BMS). Such a solution can notify of the electric motor overheating and a fan stop by sound and/or light alarms. This option of using a digital output is relevant for premises where work with hazardous air mixtures and gases is carried out.
Solid enclosure
The enclosure of the STVS4 series  is constructed from premium-grade steel, providing a superior quality. It is designed for surface mounting and affords an IP54 protection level, safeguarding against the infiltration of dirt, dust, and moisture.

Remarks, reviews & ratings

Ciekawy regulator trójfazowy (jest też wersja jednofazowa), mozliwość zdalnego sterowanie przez potencjometr. Dobra solidna obudowa
Man patiko tai kad juos per atstumą valdau paprastu potenciometru, daiktas rimtas atrodo ir patikimas.
Nerijus Surginas
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