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Engineer electronics - IoT

Master in Electronics and ICT to enable our products to communicate wirelessly and connect them to our cloud platform.

Sentera control solutions are known for their user-friendliness and simple but effective operation. To enable our products to communicate wirelessly and connect them to our cloud platform, we want to strengthen our R&D team with:

                                                                                Engineer IoT  
Wireless communication
Sentera products have Modbus RTU communication. This is a reliable solution that is easy to implement in new buildings. However, in some applications it is appropriate to use wireless communication. Wirelessly exchanging information between different sensors and speed controllers to guarantee good indoor air quality at all times is one of the current challenges for our R&D team.
SenteraWeb - Internet of Things
Sentera has developed a wide range of standard products. These products can be used stand-alone or exchange information with each other and are connected to SenteraWeb - our IoT platform. SenteraWeb offers our customers various options:
- Data logging and remote monitoring
- Remote control and configuration of the connected devices
- Receive notifications and warnings when a threshold value is exceeded (e.g. CO2 level too high)
- Day-week planner to perfectly match the ventilation system to the customer's routine
- Download application specific firmware
Application specific firmware
The Sentera concept means that we sell standard products and offer application specific firmware via SenteraWeb - our HVAC cloud platform. Our customers are not ITers or programmers. They are specialized in ventilation and in optimizing indoor air quality. That is why we develop application specific firmware for our customers ourselves. Our customers can install standard products in an extremely user-friendly way and download the required functionality for their project via SenteraWeb.
The ventilation business is doing well
Today, there is a lot of attention for ventilation and optimizing indoor air quality. Choosing a job in this sector offers certainty and many future prospects. Sentera also sees many opportunities in this sector. That is why we want to expand our team and invest in additional capacity to offer even more application specific firmware. If you have an affinity with electronics and IoT and are interested in the wonderful world of ventilation and air quality, you are the person we are looking for.
Sentera is an international oriented company
Our R&D teams are based in our sites in Temse (Belgium) and Plovdiv (Bulgaria). Our sales teams are also based here as well as in our sales office in Lithuania. As an IoT engineer you will work from the office in Temse. Of course there are contacts with the other colleagues on a very frequent basis. You will therefore function in an international environment where all internal communication is in English.
A wide range of competences in-house
Innovation is our driving force. In addition to a team of engineers specializing in various fields of electronics, we also have a department of mechanical engineers who make molds for our plastic machines. We also make the plastic enclosures for our products ourselves! Finally, we also have a software company in the Sentera group that not only develops our Erp software, but also designs the website and our SenteraWeb cloud platform. You will therefore function in an international environment and be surrounded by a wide range of different competencies.
If you feel attracted to this position and our activities, you should definitely contact us so that we can get to know each other and have a non-binding conversation. We look forward to meeting you!
Application Guidelines
  • Please send us your motivation letter, personal CV and other relevant documents (as diplomas, certificates, reference letters, portfolios).
  • Your personal unique CV should give us a clear view of your competences and skills along with a complete chronological overview of your education, previous jobs/experiences and other activities.
  • In your motivation letter, explain why the job and company are appealing to you, make it specific, personal and convincing. Why are you the most suitable candidate?
  • Write clearly, to-the-point and structured.
  • Mention when we can contact you best for an interview. In case of an interview, prepare yourself sufficiently for an open exchange of information.
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