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Elena Argirova Pavlova

Elena Argirova Pavlova

Office manager

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+359 (0) 32 58 76 15

Komunikační jazyky: Bulharský, Angličtina

Born in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria and as a professional with a Master's degree in Psychology and a Bachelor's in English Philology I have been a part of the Sentera family since 2005. 

My experience in Sentera started in the logistics and purchasing department, where I actively contributed to the administration and organization of the production process. Over the years, my role evolved, and I transitioned to the research and development team, providing support in administrative and organizational matters. Throughout my presence in the company, I have gained extensive experience in various facets of administration, including recruitment and more.

As a wife and a mother of two grown-up daughters, my commitment extends beyond the workplace. In my free time, I like reading, spending time with the family and closest friends.

Being a part of the Sentera team is not just a profession; it is a fulfilling journey marked by collaboration, innovation, and continuous growth. I take pride in contributing to the success of Sentera and look forward to many more years of shared achievements and milestones with this remarkable team.

Údaje o společnosti

Název společnostiSentera Thracia Ltd.
UliceBash Para Str.
Číslo domu4
Poštovní směrovací číslo4135
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