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An De Ridder

An De Ridder

HVAC controls consultant

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+32 (0)3 710 57 26

Komunikační jazyky: Holandský, Angličtina, Švédský, Francouzština

I hail from the vibrant city of Ghent, where I discovered my passion for language and literature. In 2000, I earned my master's degree in Germanic Philology, focusing on English and Swedish. My love for languages took me to the beautiful country of Sweden, where I spent a year as an Erasmus student in Gothenburg. 

In 2001, I added another layer to my expertise with a master's degree in Multilingual Business Communication. This marked the beginning of my fascinating journey in the corporate environment. To master the English language even more, I moved to Brighton, Sussex, for a year. Despite my initial non-technical background, I have spent almost my entire career in technical sectors, ranging from demolition works to passive fire safety and HVAC. My language skills prove invaluable in this context, and every day presents a new opportunity for learning, adding to my sense of fulfilment.

Beyond my dedication to language and literature, I find relaxation in playing the piano. Music is an integral part of my life, serving as a complement to my love for reading. Mastering the keys provides me with a means to unwind and find harmony in the midst of my busy life.

My professional drive lies in finding the right solutions for and with my customers. The pursuit of customer satisfaction is a constant motivation for me. My career is an adventurous blend of passion, curiosity, and the relentless pursuit of excellence in service of the customer. 

Údaje o společnosti

Název společnostiSentera Europa NV
Číslo domu9
Poštovní směrovací číslo9140
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